Monday, April 27, 2015

Maybe, Maybe Not

We watched a ton of playoff hockey last weekend.

After the games were over, Eli 13.8 was flipping through the channel guide and found a listing for a Seattle vs. Portland MLS game.

"Hey, that's probably worth watching," I said, and he selected the channel and the game came on.

"Seattle and Portland can't stand each other in general, and these fan bases in particular hate each other. Plus, you know those huge banners that team supporters make in Europe?"

"Yeah, those are cool," he said.

"Well, the fans for these teams make them, too," I said. "Plus they--it's only been 31 seconds and I'm BORED OUT OF MY MIND."

"Right there with you," Eli said. Price Is Right instead?"

"I'm in," I said.

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